If an abundant life is one lived by soul in a spirit of love , what is a spirit of love?
[Read more…] about A Spirit of LoveLiving By Spirit
If an abundant life is one lived by soul in a spirit of love, what is living by spirit?
[Read more…] about Living By SpiritLiving By Soul
If an abundant life is living by soul in a spirit of love, what does it mean to live by soul?
[Read more…] about Living By SoulDefine Abundance
What does it mean to define abundance as living by soul in a spirit of love? Let me offer two analogies.
[Read more…] about Define AbundanceMatthew – The Sermon on the Mount
In Matthew, the Sermon on the Mount is Jesus manifest on life in the Kingdom. This series of posts offers one example how we define abundance as living by soul in a spirit of love flows from the Biblical story.

Other Series on the Bible:
Matthew – The Sermon on the Mount:
- Sermon on the Mount – Introduction
- Be-Attitudes or Beatitudes
- Poor In Spirit
- Blessed Are Those Who Mourn
- Blessed Are the Meek
- Longing to Be Righteous
- Giving and Receiving Mercy
- The Pure In Heart
- Who Are the Peacemakers?
- Persecuted for Righteousness
- A Ninth Beatitude
- Salt of the Earth
- Light of the World
- How Do You Fulfill the Law?
- More Righteous
- Reframing Spirituality
- From Murder to Meekness
- Adultery vs. Loving Another
- Divorcing Loopholes
- Honestly to Honesty
- Jesus’ Resistance
- Turning the Other Cheek
- Get Naked
- The Second Mile
- Jesus’ Resistance Revolution
- What Children Do
- What is God Like?
This series is ongoing and more episodes will be added every weekday.
Matthew’s Great Commission
While the introductory series beginning with, Define Abundance, offers a big picture faith framework, posts like these reveal where it comes from. The first series looks at The Great Commission in Matthew 28.