Last fall I officiated a funeral for a five-week-old. Matty was a happy, chubby, giggly, and healthy boy who never woke up from a nap. The only medical explanation offered was SIDS, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, which the Mayo Clinic describes as “the unexplained death, usually during sleep, of a seemingly healthy baby less than a year old.”
[Read more…] about Stop Objectifying GodWhat Haunts You Can Heal You
When read as a primal story, Genesis 1 reveals the story of God healing the world, our communities, and our individual lives. But it doesn’t necessarily happen in the way we expect because Western society offers a vision of healing that rarely invites us live beyond verse 2. Moreover, because broken Christianity largely integrates itself with Western culture, it too is complicit in our creative stagnation. Let me explain.
[Read more…] about What Haunts You Can Heal YouNothing Is Evil and Nothing Is Evil
Nothing is evil. How do you read those words? Do you hear me saying that there is no such thing as evil? Or maybe you read them as the absence of something, the void, is evil? Either way, when you read Genesis 1 as a primal story, as a cosmological myth, you are right.
[Read more…] about Nothing Is Evil and Nothing Is EvilWhich God Does Broken Christianity Follow?
How do you know which God anyone follows? Some people practice Islam who are kind, gracious, and compassionate. Others are terrorists. Both claim to follow Allah, but do any of us believe they worship the same God?
[Read more…] about Which God Does Broken Christianity Follow?Genesis Is Not A Science Book
Genesis is not a science book. The opening chapters of Genesis have nothing to do with the creation of the world. I know that sounds like a wild claim. After all, Genesis opens, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth,” but I have a good reason for saying it.
[Read more…] about Genesis Is Not A Science BookIt’s Not About Going to Heaven
Karl Marx called religion the opium of the people. When Christianity teaches people to trudge through life on this earth so they can find eternal happiness in heaven, Marx is right. That is not the path to healthy abundance.
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